Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Property invest Gold, Know How

Storm definitely passed. This classic maxim become the most powerful encouragement to ply the Water Dragon year 2012. Then, to do?

Like the company, every family should make a financial plan with a neat 2012. How much revenue projections, what are the priorities and needs must be met. For example, next year your child should attend school and you want to buy a new car. So, how can envisaged expenditure and other expenses.

In addition to calculating the revenue and future priorities, you have to evaluate the achievement of investment throughout 2011. Does the basket of investment in 2011 is still in accordance with the target achievement we have made, or otherwise have strayed so far must be reorganized its placement.
Based on the record KONTAN, the returns on investment throughout 2011, in large part, recorded a relatively low yields. If we measure the return on investment, savings in bank deposits, for example, for a period of 1 month-12 months only produce about 6.7% -7%. It also does not include income tax deductions on interest deposits. Meanwhile, if we measure the return on equity investment in general, refers to the movement of Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), for six months instead was minus 2.5%. While the year just posted a gain of 2.3%.

At the end of 2010, JCI was in 3703.5 points, at the closing exchange Tuesday (27/12) and then, to close at 3789.43 points level. Basket of other investments, such as stock mutual funds, according to Stock Mutual Fund Index released by the mutual fund research firm PT Infovesta Main, recorded a negative yield, which is -0.99%. The mixture index mutual funds are still positive 1.98% range.

Apparently, only gold investments are still high gain recorded throughout 2011. If we count from January to December 27, 2011, the average price of gold in the spot market was quoted by Bloomberg showed an increase of 12.6%.

As of late December 2010, the gold price still? U.S. $ 1,420.78 per ounce troi, per? December 27, 2011 perched at U.S. $ 1600.18 per ounce troi. Meanwhile, in the last six months, the yield of gold is still a positive 6.6%.

But, the picture of last year's investment returns are not necessarily repeated in this Water Dragon year. Many of the uncertainties in the global economy that will continue this year, especially with regard to European settlement of the debt crisis matters.

More vigilant

Before deciding where to invest the family this year, Aidil Akbar Financial Check Up from the ACF said, there are some conditions in the country that should be of concern. For example, the possibility of a decline in exports of Indonesia since the economy is sluggish export destination countries.

Then, next year, the government may raise electricity tariffs and reduce subsidies on fuel oil (BBM). Well, the increase in electricity tariffs and fuel prices are going to ignite inflation in 2012. Two points can increase spending next year.

"The increase in electricity rates and fuel costs will boost inflation so that any education inevitably rise at least as high inflation," added Eko Endarto, financial planners from Finansia Consulting.

He estimated that this year will happen with the trend of changes in interest rates continue to decline.

"When this condition occurs, we must be prepared that the short-term investments for the product will give results that continue to decline as well," he explained.

But, behind the decline in this rate, there is an opportunity to reap the benefits of property investing.

"If banks continue to be committed to lower interest rates, including mortgage interest loan (mortgage), property prices likely to rise in 2012," said Aidil Akbar.

Aka-based fixed income investment fixed income also has good prospects this year. Citing Aidil, beleid lending restrictions on credit card business to a particular customer will lead to excess liquidity in the banking industry. Well, if banks are not keen to distribute consumer credit, mortgages or mortgage either vehicle (KPKB), then there is no other option for the banks so that funds are not idle, but to buy Government Securities (GS) and partly in Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI) .

Can we imagine, if a large demand for securities from banks, the logic of this debenture pricing was going to soar. Ends, bond investors will also enjoy a high yield. (Cont'd)
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