Statistics vary from 60-85% of buyers fwho first saw the home they bought on the internet but one thing is for sure, the great majority of buyers and their agents will find your home either on the internet or through the Multiple Listing Service. Because of this, your house has to look its best on the web - with quality photos and rich marketing text. The effectiveness of your brochures, internet and print advertising is only as good as your photos. If you don’t have great photos you are not ready to market your home.
In today's information overload society you've got a very small window of opportunity to get
attention and your pictures had better show both "features" and "benefits". If you don’t attract the attention of buyers and their agents through one fabulous "lead-in" picture then they won’t even look at your home. After putting in their basic search criteria, the next thing they will scan is the "lead-in" picture of all the homes and they will only look at the home's additional photos if that first photo is enticing.
Your main picture should capture the essence of the home, and an experienced, professional
photographer will do just that. For example, if the home has a spectacular setting then the picture should be of the house encompass some of its surroundings. If your home is an adorable
cottage than your picture should be a tight close-up, with lots of detail. If your home is in a neighborhood of similar homes, you know exactly what makes your home stand out from the others and your photos should accentuate those details. Some houses are an architectural stye that shows off its features better if the photo is taken from an angle rather than the traditional head-on shot. Certain seasons and the color of daylight at different times of the day make some houses look better - use that to your advantage.
Marketing is all about "Creating Demand" and great "feature" photos are key.
Once the buyers/agents get interested by the first photo, you've got their full attention, but there is very little room for error, one false-step and they're on to the next property, and won't
even call you for a showing. My rule of thumb is that
if it doesn't help it hurts. Realtors often put over 20 bad pictures on a listing without understanding this very basic concept. For example, if your living room has quality built in cabinets and crown molding then a well-lit and composed photo can capture the benfits of having those features. You don't need three pictures of the same thing from different angles. Another example, if you have a larger and more private back yard than your competition, a great picture of the view from the seating area on the deck or a back view of the house with your flowers in focus in the foreground will convey the benefit of your great yard. You don't need a picture of an individual flower or pictures of the deck from the backyard showing the stuff hidden underneath - they don't help but they do hurt.
Professional photos will keep your home from being considered "Generic".
A great photographer with a great eye and sense of composition can bring out the emotional
appeal of your home. Even if you have no views and a very average exterior, great photos can make a statement, make your home stand out, and attract attention. How many times have you seen photos of a home with a bright window and a cave-like room in front of it? A home does not have to be high end or large to have photos that show each room as light and welcoming.
Require that your realtor provide good photos of your home
Your home is your most valuable asset, you should trust it to a professional Realtor who uses a
professional photographer for all their marketing materials. When seeking out a Realtor ask about the photos - who takes them and are they willing to hire a professional? The Realtor you trust to sell your home should understand the importance of photos and all marketing, and should be willing to go the extra mile and invest in hiring professionals if needed. You don't want a Realtor who is lazy or won't make all the effort they can to sell your house. I always use a professional photographer because I want your house to look as good as possible in order to help you achieve your goals!